The LORD JESUS is my rock,
and my fortress,
and my deliverer;
my God, my strength,
in whom I will trust.
from PSALM 18, 2 (KJV)
Pacific Mission Aviation
Jesus Saves Work at Sea Pacific Mission Aviation Rhein 2012 Die Schweiz
zu Fuss
Kilimanjaro Bicycle Touring Andorra Southeast Asia Wild Wild West Mediterranean Coast Death Valley Thailand BKK-CNX Bluegrass Express Baja California Switzerland Thailand and Laos Empire Builder Coyote Trail CHE-SWE Sun Seeker Southern Slingshot Heartland Express Dixie Queen Northern Delights Winter Wonderland Backslash Southern Sunrise Pacific Trilogy Corner Connector Pictures Websolutions Postcards and Stamps Contact Me

Final Cut Pro video editing keyboard







Vous qui étiez morts par vos offenses et par l'incirconcision de votre chair;
il vous a rendus á la vie avec lui, en nous faisant grâce pour toutes nos offenses; it a effacé l'acte dont les ordonnances nous condamnaient et qui subsistait contre nous, et il l'a détruit en le clouant á la croix.

From 2005 to 2008, I served with Pacific Missionary Aviation, a Christian mission organization with many ministries, some include the provision of free medical care and transportation of medical and food supplies to remote islands.

Most of my projects include computer and multimedia work;
audio and video, running the radio station and doing print and web publishing.

On the following pages, you can find some resources for fellow TuneTracker Radio Automation users.

Pacific Missionary Aviation: