The LORD JESUS is my rock,
and my fortress,
and my deliverer;
my God, my strength,
in whom I will trust.
from PSALM 18, 2 (KJV)
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TuneTracker Radio Resources

SoundPlay is the application TuneTracker uses to play the audio files. Sometimes there is a problem with SoundPlay: the audio output is off (silent) and when you check your Output Logs, you notice a series of silence-sense occurred events logged. According to the TuneTracker Systems, this happens when faulty audio files gag the SoundPlay application. When this happens, TuneTracker gets thrown out of schedule and will play programs and announcements at wrong times.

To prevent this SoundPlay problem from happening, use the PHP script: silence_checker.php, which you can invoke every 10 Minutes (Minutes 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 of every hour, every day) by cron. The script checks the last line of the current Output Log and checks whether or not a silence-sense occurred. If a silence sense occurred, the script will reboot the machine automatically and TuneTracker will resume playing at the correct position. Because it checks every 10 Minutes, TuneTracker shouldn't get thrown out of schedule and resume correctly. In BeOS, you can have the cron process start automatically at boot-up by adding the command: "cron" to your start-up script in /home/config/boot/UserBootscript. To setup cron, go to your terminal window and use crontab. To list the cron jobs, type "crontab -l", to edit the cron jobs, type "crontab -e". The editing is done in the "vi editor", a terminal based editor that uses keyboard commands instead of a mouse. Please refer to a manual in the internet as of how to use the "vi editor".

Silence Checker Script
Download PHP Script [1 KB, zipped]
Feel free to modify and use for any purpose.

TuneTracker Systems